The Gartech Glue System now features color-coded tubing. In this post, we’re showing a better look at the tubing diagram we’ve incorporated into the Pneumatic Panel (part no. GAR-GU2-0102) and Glue Manifold (part no. GAR-GU2-0103B) that comes standard with the Gartech Glue System.
Each operation has its own color, from water to glue, supply and return, the glue pump, the scale option, even the extend/retract options on the Bimba-brand air cylinder.

For those who don’t live with the pleasure of seeing color, the emblems are also imprinted with descriptions for each port and the color of each tube. We’ve also added a waterproof flow emblem to the faces of our glue manifold that lets your operators and maintenance personnel understand the purpose and connection of each valve, too. These updates were designed to simplify function and allow for on-site troubleshooting. It’s also useful as a reference when a ball valve needs replacement.
Not only are we trying to remove the guess-work and confusion, our goal is to offer a system that doesn’t require the expense of a technician to install or service your equipment. We’ve found these small updates have also benefitted new employees who’ve never received (or have forgotten) training on the Gartech Glue System.